Paw Paw ('Asimina Triloba'), commonly called pawpaw, Custard Apple, Indiana Banana, wild banana. Paw Paw is a tree or large shrub which and occurs in low bottom woods, wooded slopes, ravines and along streams. Often spreads by root suckers to form colonies or thickets. Large, slightly drooping, elliptical, medium green leaves (6-12" long) retain green color well into fall before turning to a bright (but sometimes undistinguished) yellow. Cup-shaped, purple flowers (3 green sepals and 6 purple petals in two tiers) appear in spring, and give way to edible, oblong, yellowish green fruits which mature in early autumn to a dark brown. Flavor and fleshy consistency of the sweet-flavored fruits resembles bananas. Fruits are frequently eaten raw or used in ice creams or pies. Wildlife (e.g., raccoons, squirrels and opossums) eagerly seek out the fruits and often beat humans to the harvest. Early Americans made a yellow dye from the pulp of the ripened fruit. Pawpaw trees rely on insects to cross-pollinate the flowers, so it is important that your landscape is friendly to pollen-moving insects.
Annonaceae – Custard-apple family; Our Paw Paws are grown from seed. Plant at least two seed grown Paw Paws for successful pollination.
What you are purchasing in a Paw Paw Tree, featuring our GTSuper Roots System, at a size and quantity of your choosing. Handle with care.