The Lodi Apple Tree (Malus 'Lodi') is a deciduous fruiting tree that grows in an oval shape with spreading branches. The trees also grow horizontally or upright. Flowers emerge in the spring with profuse amounts of flowers and fragrance. Pure white in color, these beautiful blooms will cover your tree in early or middle spring.
Lodi is a dependable apple tree, that provides apples as early as July or August in most growing locations. and are a light-green tint with a pale yellow, whitish flesh. Lodi is not a long keeper in the refrigerator, however these apples will freeze nicely. Lodi grows at a medium rate, with height increases of 13–24" per year.
Plant in full sun for maximum productions, in well drained loamy soils.
Pollinate with Harvester, (Red Jonathan for an early harvest).
Bears fruit in 3–5 years
Ripens: August - September
Ripens: August - September
Chill Hours: 800-1000
Height: 20-25'
Width: 20-25'
Spacing: 25-35'
Zones: 3-8
What you are purchasing is Lodi Apple tree, at a size of your choosing. Handle with care.